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Vancouver Boat Show 看船去!實地參觀溫哥華國際遊艇展

2018-01-20 (星期六)

早前在本網頁送出雙人入場兌換券的 2018 溫哥華國際遊艇展 Vancouver International Boat Show,現正在 BC PlaceGranville Island 兩個地點同時舉行。加拿大中文電台在開幕第一天就派員採訪,並拍下視頻和各位分享。

"Anything that floats, we call it a boat". The best place to see boats and the best place to buy them is the 56th annual Vancouver International Boat Show which runs from January 17 to 21 at BC Place and Granville Island. We visited the Show on the first day and here is the video.

溫哥華國際遊艇展今年的規模是 56 年來最大的,各種船艇和相關的水上活動產品都有參展,其中包括 80 呎的豪華遊艇,上船參觀開開眼界,也是千載難逢的機會。

2018 溫哥華國際遊艇展將於明天(1 月 21 日)結束,快安排行程今天或明天看船去!




Vancouver Boat Show 送你雙人遊艇展入場券!