加拿大中文電台 AM1470 FM96.1

A- A A+

POLL 民意調查



Do you agree with the proposal to make drug prevention education a mandatory part of the school curriculum in BC?

截止日期 Deadline: March 8, 2023 11:59pm

民調結果將於 3 月 9 日 AM1470 11am 播出的 「大眾論壇」節目中公佈。當天「大眾論壇」探討的主題是「卑詩省府應否把防毒教育列為必修科程」。
主持:李潔芝;嘉賓:現任列治文市學務委員 黃秀玲、前列治文市學務委員 曾賴嘉麗 和 列治文市議員 區澤光。熱線開放:604-271-1470。

The results of this poll will be announced on the "Public Forum" program, airing on AM1470 at 11 am on March 9th (Saturday). The topic of discussion that day will be "Should the British Columbia government make drug prevention education a mandatory part of the school curriculum?"
Host: Travena Lee; Guests: Richmond School Board Trustee Alice Wong, Former Richmond School Board Trustee Grace Tsang & Richmond City Councillor Chak Au. Hotline will be open for calls at 604-271-1470.

A. 贊成 Agree


B. 不贊成 Not agree


C. 無意見 No comment
