加拿大中文電台 AM1470 FM96.1

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Game Rules and Regulations 有獎遊戲規則及聲明

  1. 以下之規則及聲明適用於本台舉辦之有獎遊戲/比賽。
  2. 有獎遊戲/比賽以所有聯邦、省政府及市政府之法例及規則為依歸。
  3. 凡居住於加拿大境內之人仕均可參加,除了下列相關者:
    一般有獎遊戲或比賽 歌創 Sunshine Nation Little Sunshine

  4. 毋須購物亦可參加有獎遊戲/比賽。
  5. 得獎機會決定於符合資格之參加者數目而定。
  6. 如有獎遊戲 / 比賽以電郵或直接在網上參加或報名,因網絡線路繁忙或其他技術原因,而令參加者之電郵或表格未能在截止日期前傳送到本台,本台概不負責。
  7. 所有已遞交之參加表格、附件及報名費皆屬加拿大中文電台所有,不會退回給參加者。
  8. 加拿大中文電台將保存參加者個人資料作此項遊戲/比賽之用,所有資料絕對保密,並於活動結束後銷毀。
  9. 除獲選的參加者,本台不會與其他參加者聯絡。
  10. 得獎者不能以所得之獎品換取其他獎品,亦不可將之轉贈,或要求以現金替代。
  11. 得獎者須親自出席或派代表出席加拿大中文電台舉辦之頒獎儀式,而加拿大中文電台、獎品贊助商及其代理人有權刊登或播放得獎者之姓名、照片、聲音及影像,並無須給予獎品以外的費用。
  12. 加拿大中文電台、獎品贊助商及其代理人有權刊登或播放得獎者之照片、姓名、聲音、談話而毋須給予獎品以外之費用。
  13. 加拿大中文電台、獎品贊助商及其代理人對獎品或會引致之意外、受傷、損失或不幸事故,皆毋須負上任何責任。
  14. 參加此項遊戲/比賽,即表示參加者無條件完全同意及遵守大會所定之規則(例如參加SQ、Sunshine Nation 或 Little Sunshine的參賽者須留在溫哥華參與訓練綵排和配合形象指導),及加拿大中文電台之相關決定,參加者須符合遊戲規則及要求,才有機會贏取獎品。
  15. 如被選中之參加者不同意或沒有遵守有關之遊戲規則,其參加資格將被取消,加拿大中文電台保留權利抽出另一位合資格之參加者作為得獎者。
  16. 由加拿大中文電台所評定或其所委任之評判所作出之所有決定,參加者不得異議。
  17. 得獎者須自行負責因領取獎品而可能出現之開支,如獎品驗證、交通旅費等,並自行承擔因領取或尋求領取獎品時可能出現之責任。
  18. 加拿大中文電台保留隨時因任何原因而取消該項宣傳或活動之權利。
  19. 個別有獎遊戲/比賽如備有獨立的遊戲規則及聲明,應以該套遊戲規則為準。
  20. 有獎遊戲/比賽規則及聲明以英文版本為準。

General Rules & Regulations for Games and Contests

  1. The following rules and regulations apply to games that involve prizes and contests organized by Fairchild Radio.
  2. The game or the contest is subject to all Federal, Provincial and Municipal laws and regulations.
  3. The game or the contest is open to individuals reside in Canada, except the following people:
    Games & contests In general SQ Sunshine Nation Little Sunshine
    Fairchild Group staff
    Immediate family* of Fairchild Group staff
    Fairchild Radio staff
    Immediate family* of Fairchild Radio staff
    Co-organizer’s staff
    Immediate family* of co-organizer’s staff
    Prize sponsor
    Immediate family* of prize sponsor
    Prize sponsor’s staff
    Immediate family* of prize sponsor’s staff

    Remarks:Immediate family refers to parents, children, brothers and sisters.
  4. No purchase is necessary to enter.
  5. The chances of winning are dependent upon the total number of eligible entries received.
  6. If the game or the contest is held online or the participation is through email, Fairchild Radio shall not be held responsible if the entrant’s entry or application cannot reach Fairchild Radio before deadline due to technical reasons such as internet performance.
  7. All submitted entries, supplements and application fee are the properties of Fairchild Radio and none will be returned.
  8. Fairchild Radio retains the personal information of the entrant for the sole purpose of organizing the game or the contest. The information will be kept confidential and destroyed after the event is finished.
  9. No communication with entrants will be entered into except with the selected entrant.
  10. Prizes must be accepted as offered and no substitutions are allowed. Prizes are not transferable and are not cash equivalent.
  11. The selected entrant is required to attend, or have an assignee attend, the prize presentation organized by Fairchild Radio. Fairchild Radio, prize sponsors and their agents shall have the right to publish or broadcast the selected entrant’s name, pictures, voice and video without further compensation other than the prize offered.
  12. Fairchild Radio, prize sponsors and their agents shall have the right to publish or broadcast the winner's pictures, names, voices, statements without further compensation other than the prize offered.
  13. Fairchild Radio, prize sponsors and their agents shall not be responsible for any damages, injuries, accident, loss or misfortune relating to the prize.
  14. Participation in the game or the contest constitutes the entrant’s full and unconditional agreement to the contest rules (such as staying in town to participate in training & rehearsal and complying with image consultation) for SQ, Sunshine Nation and Little Sunshine as well as Fairchild Radio’s decisions. Winning a prize is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements set forth herein.
  15. If a selected entrant is unwilling or unable to comply with the contest rules, that entrant will be disqualified and Fairchild Radio reserves the right to select another entrant as winner of the prize.
  16. All decisions of Fairchild Radio, or of the judges appointed by Fairchild Radio, with respect to all aspects of the game or the contest are final.
  17. The selected entrant is responsible for all costs of verification and redemption or travel to redeem any prize, and bear in full any liability which might arise from redeeming or seeking to redeem said prize.
  18. Fairchild Radio reserves the right to cancel this promotion or event at any time for any reason whatsoever.
  19. Should there be a specific set of rules and regulations designed for a specific game or contest, that set of rules and regulations should prevail.
  20. Should there be any discrepancies between the English and Chinese version, the English version should prevail.