加拿大中文電台 AM1470 FM96.1

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descriptionMovember 男性前列腺健康知多少?0

在上個月的Pink Day加拿大中文電台帶大家了解乳腺癌與女性健康,而11月份我們則要將焦點轉向男性健康問題及其中一個主要殺手 — 前列腺癌。11月是「Movember 小鬍子月」,這是一個源自澳洲,旨在提高人們對於男性健康的關注,尤其是前列腺癌和睪丸癌等致命殺手的活動。而「Movember 小鬍子月」Moustache(小鬍子)「November」(11 月)的組合,顧名思義就是邀請男仕們在本月一起蓄鬍,來提醒大家對於男性前列腺癌的關注。而根據統計,有75%的男性朋友在每年參與活動後,會更加關注自身健康。

During the month of November, you would probably notice a lot of male friends around you are growing moustache.  Do you know why? The seed of an idea first sprouted over a few beers in Melbourne 2003, when two mates challenged each other to grow a moustache for the duration of November. Recruiting the support of 30 loyal friends, together they experienced a month of inquisitive conversation as a result of their newly acquired facial hair, and the power of the Mo as a conversation starter and awareness raiser was realized. This year, Movember will mark its 11th anniversary.

descriptionMovember 男性前列腺健康知多少?0


Movember aims to increase awareness and support for men's health by getting conversations started at a grassroots level, educating men about the health risks they face and raising vital funds for support programs.

descriptionMovember 男性前列腺健康知多少?0


descriptionMovember 男性前列腺健康知多少?0 descriptionMovember 男性前列腺健康知多少?1


descriptionMovember 男性前列腺健康知多少?0


descriptionMovember 男性前列腺健康知多少?0

溫哥華的加拿大中文電台本月將會全力支持「Movember 小鬍子月」,本台的男 DJ 包括 AM1470 劉沛龍文楓Sam,以及 FM96.1Richard,將會為 Movember 特別留起鬍子一個月,藉以宣揚關注男士健康的重要性,並支持前列腺癌患者努力面對將來。至於他們的鬍子留得怎麼樣,在月底又會以甚麼方式刮鬍子?請大家要持續鎖定本台網站的報導啦!

During the month of November, male DJs from AM1470 and FM96.1 will take part in this event and become MO Bros. If you would like to support this meaningful event too, we encourge you to do the same, or get your male friends to do the same. If you interested to follow their moustache growing process, please stay-tuned for more updates!