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Vincent Tong 是一位在溫哥華土生土長的華裔演員,曾參與電影 “Leap 4 Your Life"其中一個角色。這部入圍今屆溫哥華國際電影節北美首映的電影,同時被選為「必看」電影,而整套電影的製作,都是出自本土溫哥華。Vincent盧玉鳳主持「度身訂造」節目上,講述自己的入行經過和近況,以及分享他做幕後配音的工作。

Vincent Tong is a Canadian actor and voice actor. He has played as a dance coach (LL Smooth Move) in the film of “Leap 4 Your Life” which is one of the North America Premiere of Vancouver International Film Festival. The whole project is produced in Vancouver and this film is regarded as a ‘Must See’ in BC. Vincent chatted with DJ Mary Lo in her program last week; he mentioned that his role in the film was tailor-made for him by director Taylor Hill because she knew that he loves dancing and also a very good dancer. Moreover, he has played in voice over roles in many popular anime movies and episodes on TV. Vincent said he enjoys the work very much.

DJ 盧玉鳳 (右) 與電影人 Vincent Tong (左) 合照。

Vincent 透露他在 “Leap 4 Your Life" 所主演的角色,原來是為他「度身訂造」的。因為導演 Taylor 知道他跳得一身好「舞」功,所以安排他在電影中飾演一位跳舞導師,而這個角色正好給他發揮和表現的機會。他表示自己所演繹的角色,並不是全部有劇本可依循,有部份是需要他自由發揮,隨機應變,也是對他的一大考驗!


原來 Vincent 從小對音樂很感興趣,特別是跳舞。因此,他曾經在卑詩省府維多利亞修讀音樂,再去安省多倫多進修音樂劇。Vincent 提及他現時主要的工作是幕後配音,有很多日本和美國的卡通電視劇集都是由他擔任主角配音,這也是他喜歡的工作。他坦言,華人要在西方社會得到很大的發展機會並不容易,當中或許要賭運氣,要看導演對自己的印象評分,才能獲取機會。

電影 「遠方」
DJ 盧玉鳳(右)與電影「遠方」的導演楊正帆(左)和製片人朱聲仄(中)合照。


“Distant” is a film that combines 13 fixed shots without any dialogue. It is simply the images, sound and actions of characters that are naturally and realistically captured in the scenes. It implies different meanings that director Yang wants to express to the audience.


第二部是由導演 Alexander Payne 自編自導的黑白電影 ”Nebraska”,也是溫哥華國際電影節首映的開幕電影。這是一部典型美國式的家庭生活故事,講述一個沒出色的兒子(Will Forte 飾演)跟一個酒鬼父親(Bruce Dern 飾演)為了一畢橫財,不惜穿州過省,去到中西部一個小鎮 ”Nebraska“ 領取獎金。其間所發生的種種事情,有笑有淚,是一部能完全表現美國典型家庭生活寫照的電影。

“Nebraska” is written and directed by Alexander Payne. This black-and-white film tells the story of the family life in a typical American extended family. The story follows an alcoholic father (played by Bruce Dern) and his aimless son (played by Will Forte) drive a long trip across four states to claim prize money. It is a story that filled with laughs and tears.

影評人馬光浩與演員 Will Forte 合照。Will Forte 憑 Saturday Night Live 走紅,近年轉戰電影圈,成績不俗。