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新時代傳媒集團全力支持今年溫哥華國際電影節(9月26日至10月11日),並榮譽呈獻龍虎系列。系列猛片如雲,今天要為大家介紹另一部日本電影「字裡人間」,本片自8月底在香港上映以來,好評不絕,票房已衝破百萬大關,並獲提名今屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳外語片。導演石井裕也以輕鬆幽默的手法,細膩的編排,拍攝出一部感動人心的電影。加拿大中文電台誠意送出「字裡人間」電影戲票。有興趣的聽眾,請留意收聽加拿大中文電台 AM1470 及 FM 96.1 節目,就有機會贏取免費電影門票。
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Fairchild Media Group proudly sponsors 2013 Vancouver International Film Festival (Sept 26 to Oct 11) Dragons & Tigers Series. Taking this opportunity, Fairchild Radio offers you free tickets of the Japanese film The Great Passage. The Great Passage is directed by Japanese director Yuya Ishii and starring Ryuhei Matsuda and Aoi Miyazaki. Its story based on a bestselling novel Fune O Amu by Shion Miura. Mitsuya Majime (played by Matsuda) was a linguistic grad working as a salesman in a publishing company. He was recruited by chance for other department to assist in the compilation of a modern dictionary that will include slang and trendy words, and it is called The Great Passage. Majime and his team members worked with great dedication and spent 15 years to complete the project. This film was crammed with lots of humor, comedy and love. It is also nominated as the Best Foreign Language Film Category at the 86th (Oscars) Academy Awards. If you are interested, please listen to the Fairchild Radio AM1470 and FM96.1 for a chance to win free movie tickets.
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電影「字裡人間」改編自日本女作家三蒲紫苑的最暢銷小說《編舟記》 。故事講述由松田龍平飾演的語言學碩士生馬締在一間出版社當營業員,機緣巧遇,加入了字典編輯部要與部門團隊編製一本新辭典《大渡海》 ,並把最新的流行用語和潮語全面收錄在內。導演透過編纂《大渡過》的過程,細緻地描述團隊人員的合作精神,他們對工作的熱誠和認真﹔除了重複檢查收錄在辭典內的24萬個辭彙以保證沒有錯誤之外,連對紙張要求也非常細心嚴格,而他們足足秏用了15年時間才完成這個艱巨的工程。此外,故事內容還加入了浪漫愛情及真摯友情的橋段,他們的表情和對話風趣幽默,是一部感人肺腑,充滿人情味和人生哲理的電影。
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