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加拿大中文電台全體員工向廣大聽眾拜個早年,祝你做任何事都像蛇一樣,滑滑溜溜、順順利利! AM1470 FM96.1 國、粵語DJ及新聞組將送上新穎賀詞流年運程,祝大家有一個魅力如蛇!

As the New Year rings in, may your dreams soar even higher than before! Fairchild Radio DJs and News Team will bring you Chinese horoscopes every week and may the Year of Snake brings you health, wealth and happiness in all your endeavors! 

AM1470粵語節目部國祝大家「 大財、小財、意外財,財源滾滾來!」
AM1470粵語節目部國祝大家「 大財、小財、意外財,財源滾滾來!」

Zodiac 生肖運程 part 1 - 鼠  牛  虎

(Rat) 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008
It’s important to get moving as soon as the year begins. Set specific, practical goals for yourself and your family or primary social group. 

(Ox) 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009
Your greatest strength will be found by developing mutually beneficial relationships. 

(Tiger) 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010
Misunderstandings or emotional cloudbursts come when you least expect them. Take a deep breath! 

Upcoming : 2 月 4 日 Zodiac 生肖運程 part 2 - 兔 龍 蛇 

《流年運程部份文字來自 爽報: 楊天命-至命玄理 及 searchquotes.com