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"Fei Cheng Wu Rao" is a relationshop reality show taken by storm in China in recent years, and one of the hosts Tim Le is also the founder of  FPA (Four-colors Personality Analysis). He was recently in Vancouver to meet his fans and gave out a speech regarding the Four-colors Personality Analysis. The hosts of 7PM Zone on Fairchild Radio, Ginny and Gerald, also seized the opportunity and invited Tim to their show.

description7PM Zone 了沒之《非誠勿擾》- 樂嘉專訪 0 description7PM Zone 了沒之《非誠勿擾》- 樂嘉專訪 1



During the interview Tim revealed the personality of Ginny and Gerald are both red,Ginny's personality is even in bright red! He also told the audience that from the interaction of Ginny and Gerald, He was positively sure that there's something "special" going on between Ginny and Gerald...

description7PM Zone 了沒之《非誠勿擾》- 樂嘉專訪 0


Tim's lecture in Vancouver turned out to be a great success, there were even fans who came all the way from New York. Everyone told Tim that he should come to Vancouver more often, maybe even setup a FPA training program here!