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2024 DJ Training Course Application Form (Stage 1)
後浪 DJ 訓練班報名表格 - 國、粵語獨立授課 (第一期)

Things You Need for Application 報名所需資料:

Completed Application Form 填妥報名表格 (if the Applicant is under 19 as of the date of application, please have a legal guardian fill out the Guardian Information section of the Application Form 若申請者於報名當天未滿 19 歲,請監護人填寫監護人資料一欄)
Application Fee $15* (plus tax) 報名費 $15* (加稅)

Apply by mail or in person 郵寄或親身報名


Drop-off or mail the completed Application Form and Application Fee to Fairchild Radio (Unit 2090-4151 Hazelbridge Way, Richmond, B.C., V6X 4J7). 填妥及簽署參加表格,連同報名費一併郵寄或遞交至加拿大中文電台時代坊辦事處 (Unit 2090 - 4151 Hazelbridge Way, Richmond, B.C., V6X 4J7)

Do not mail cash. If pay by cheque, please make it payable to “Fairchild Radio Group Ltd.”. 請勿郵寄現金,如以支票繳付報名費,抬頭請寫上 “Fairchild Radio Group Ltd.”。

Deadline 截止日期:

July 12, 2024 (Friday)

Download Course Outline & Class Schedule 下載課程內容及時間表:

Cantonese Class 粵語班 ($238* plus tax)

Mandarin Class 國語班 ($238* plus tax)

Information Hotline 查詢詳情:


* Application fee and Tuition Fee are non-transferrable & non-refundable. 報名費及學費恕不退還或轉授他人

Applicant's Information 申請者資料

I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, all statements I have made in this Application Form are complete and true and that all records are complete and unaltered. I acknowledge that failure to disclose and provide complete and accurate information may result in the rejection of application.

Guardian's Information 監護人資料

If the Applicant is under 19 as of the date of application, please have a legal guardian fill out the following information.
若申請者於報名當天未滿 19 歲,請監護人填寫以下資料

I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, all statements I have made in this Application Form are complete and true and that all records are complete and unaltered. I acknowledge that failure to disclose and provide complete and accurate information may result in the rejection of application.

Payment 付款

CAD $15 Application Fee plus tax payable online. Make sure the name and address are that of the credit card holder. 網上以信用咭繳付加幣 $15 加稅的報名費,請填上信用咭持有人之姓名及地址。

Limited spots available, please sign up early. 名額有限,盡早報名。

Fairchild Radio shall retain the above personal information for the purpose of coordinating the “2024 DJ Training Course”. All information shall be kept confidential and destroyed when the course is completed.
加拿大中文電台將保存申請者及監護人資料作「2024 後浪 DJ 訓練班」聯絡之用。資料將被保密,並於課程完畢後銷毀。

If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail. 本文以英文及中文撰寫,如有抵觸,以英文版本為準。