面對新型冠狀病毒肆虐,很多人被迫停工甚至被裁員,經濟頓入困境。禍不單行的是,即使沒有被病毒感染,大家還是需要為對抗疫情而額外購買口罩、洗手液、清潔劑等防疫用品,很多物品還坐地起價,這對於低收入家庭及弱勢社群來說無疑是雪上加霜。最近,加拿大救世軍在溫哥華的事工組織 Boundless Vancouver 就發起「COVID-19 Relief Packages」活動,向那些因疫情關係而正面臨經濟困境的人士派發疫情紓困包,以解決他們的燃眉之急。
Canada Salvation Army's Boundless Vancouver Community & Family Ministries is providing free of charge COVID-19 Relief Packages to families and individuals who have been impacted financially through the COVID-19 crisis. The packages include essential pantry staples such as pasta, canned foods, rice, soup, oats. They will also include perishables such as eggs, bread and dairy products. Canada Salvation Army welcomes donors who can provide financial support of any amount. Or if you have a couple hours to spare, you can be a volunteer of this meaningful cause. Please click here for more details.
加拿大救世軍得到加拿大政府農業部 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada、McCain 大型食物加工公司、Save-On-Food 超級市場和 Imperial Distributor Canada 批發公司的大力支持,為有需要的人士籌集疫情紓困包的物資,紓困包內有雞蛋、麵包、意大利粉、罐頭、湯、燕麥、米、餅乾或水果等,都是些富有營養的基本食品。
又或者你能騰出時間回饋社會,加拿大救世軍現正為「COVID-19 Relief Packages」活動招募義工,大家可以按此登記。
加拿大救世軍 網頁:salvationarmyvancouver.com
加拿大救世軍 facebook: www.facebook.com/tsayvr