POLL 民意調查



在大溫開車,最容易收到的罰單是什麼? 不是超速、不是違例停車,而是分心駕駛!因為你可能在不自覺的情況下經已違規!

BC drivers now face stiffer penalties as police across the province dive into another distracted driving enforcement blitz this month. New rules which came into effect March 1 mean anyone caught driving distracted twice in three years could face added increases to their insurance premiums and fines up to $2,000, a $740 increase over the previous penalty. According to the RCMP website, distracted driving qualifies as talking on a cell phone, texting, reading (e.g. books, maps, and newspapers), using a GPS, watching videos or movies, eating/drinking, smoking, personal grooming, adjusting the radio/CD and playing extremely loud music. Even talking to passengers and driving while fatigued can be forms of distracted driving. Do you think the laws around eating and drinking while driving are fair?

皇家騎警 RCMP 對分心駕駛可以說是零容忍!根據 RCMP 的官方網頁,若果你於汽車引擎開動時(包括停在紅綠燈前和路邊等候),犯上以下任何一種行為,將被視為分心駕駛:

1. 用手機打電話
2. 用手機傳送短訊
3. 閱讀書籍和報紙以及翻查地圖
4. 使用 GPS
5. 觀看短片或電影
6. 抽煙
7. 整理儀容(包括化妝和梳頭)
8. 調較收音機或 CD,以及播放高分貝音樂
9. 跟同車乘客暢談
10.喝飲料 (紅燈前等候時例外) 和吃東西

卑詩省平均每年有 78 人在與分心駕駛相關的車禍中喪命。去年 11 月卑詩省府把分心駕駛行為定為「高危駕駛行為」,並規定 3 月 1 日起,3 年內收到過兩張分心駕駛罰單的司機將需繳納包括罰單罰金、車險罰金在內的 $2,000 罰款,比原先罰款額上調 $740。

此外省府規定,省內司機若一年內出現多次分心駕駛,省府將審查司機並發出為期 3 個月至 12 個月的駕駛禁令。持學習駕照的司機隻要出現一次分心駕駛,其駕照就將被徹底吊銷。

RCMP 將利用的一切方法打擊分心駕駛,包括在十字路口公開執法,或利用便衣車混入車流當中、尋找使用手機的司機,甚至可能租用卡車、借其有利位置觀察周邊車輛。


截止日期: March 14 (Wednesday)。

是 Yes, it is too harsh!


否 No, it is fair.


發告票與否,應視乎當時司機的情況 Depends on the driver's situation before issuing penalty ticket.
